The glorious days of Aughrim's field
The day of chivalry
We'll ne'er forget, when helm and shield
Were bless'd with victory!
Like wildfire flashed our engines, then
Red havoc spread dismay;
Up, rouse ye, then, my merry Orangemen,
It is King William's day!
To blast the torch of Liberty,
Which our brave sires once fired,
False James - the slave of bigotry -
With Papist foes conspired
But history's page tells where and when
We made them run away;
Up, rouse ye, then, my merry Orangemen,
It is King William's day!
Another Boyne may have its fray;
Another Aughrim rise;
Another Londonderry may
Shew where its martyr lies.
And should such scenes blaze forth again -
Stand close upon that day;
Up, rouse ye, then, my merry Orangemen,
It is King Williams day!
