Battle of Aughrim, 1691
The eventful day that was to decide the fate of the town was now drawing
nigh. On the 12th of July, 1691, the hostile armies of the two contending
monarchs met on the memorable plains of Aughrim, whence the noise of their
cannon might be easily heard at its gates. It is not our intention to
enter into a description of the sanguinary and decisive engagement which
here took place: the news of its result was known that night in the town,
whither several of the fugitives fled for shelter. The alarm of the inhabitants
may be easily conceived to have been extreme, and every preparation was
made for defence. Many, however, were so panic-struck, that they would
have compromised for their safety by immediately surrendering almost on
any terms. Lord Dillon, the governor, the French lieutenant general D'Ussone,
and the other officers of rank in the town, immediately held a council
of war. It appeared that the town, though strong and well stored with
provisions, was deficient in men and arms, which were drawn away by degrees
to supply other exigencies. The garrison consisted but seven regiments
of foot with a few troops of horse, and these neither full nor well armed;
but their great dependance was on the promises of Balldearg O'Donnell,
whom they hourly expected from Iar-Connaught with the troops under his
Though thus circumstanced, it was unanimously resolved to defend the town.
General Ginckle, the English commander, having judged it necessary to
reduce Galway before he should proceed to Limerick, after a few days delay
to refresh his troops, marched on the 17th of July towards Athenry, and
encamped on the surrounding plains. On the same day he advanced, with
a party, three miles nearer Galway, to a rising ground, from whence he
could see the shipping in the bay. On his return to the camp he found
a Mr. Shaw, a merchant of the town, (who, with a few other Protestants,
had that morning escaped,) from whom he received a full account how matters
stood within. This information was the most satisfactory, as it differed
entirely from what he had previously received from others, that the garrison
consisted of five thousand men, and those well armed; that the stores
were considerable, and the town almost impregnable; that Sarsfield, with
the whole of the Irish horse, was upon his march with a resolution to
raise the siege; and that Ballderg's party was about six thousand strong:
all which led him to apprehend that he would have more trouble with Galway
than he expected, and the siege would be protracted to the ensuing winter;
a circumstance which, above all others, he was most anxious to avoid Seige
of the town.
At this juncture, Denis Daly, of Carrownekelly, in the county of Galway,
esq. second justice of the court of common pleas, and one of the privy
counsellors of James II despatched a messenger to general Ginckle, desiring
that a party might be sent for him, who should seemingly force him from
his habitation; a circumstance which he conceived would lead to a more
speedy surrender of the town. It seems that this gentleman, whose distinguished
worth and integrity had gained him the confidence and esteem of all parties,
had, with the other principal gentlemen of the county, for several months
previous to the battle of Aughrim, held a correspondence with the English
government, for the submission and general pacification of this part of
the kingdom; to effect which, he proposed, amongst other things, the surrender
of Galway. He had measures preconcerted with a few of the principal inhabitants
of the town for the purpose, who, clearly foreseeing that resistance would
be useless, had privately authorized the proposal, promising all their
assistance to have the town delivered up, and that on stipulated terms,
much more advantageous than those subsequently obtained by capitulation.
Matters being so arranged, a party of the English army had, in the preceding
winter, marched as far as the Shannon, on their way towards Galway; but
the French party having, in the mean time, gained the entire ascendency
of the town, the project failed. On the present occasion, however, judge
Daly conceived that the apparent forcible seisure of his person would
induce those with whom he had formerly negociated, (and by whose assent
he had made the undertaking to government,) to excite a party in the town
who would insist on a surrender, to prevent the useless effusion of human
blood: but in this he was also disappointed, for the French faction still
prevailed; and though some of the magistrates and many of the townsmen
were for surrendering, several of them were imprisoned for declaring their
intentions. The defence of the town was therefore, as already mentioned,
determined upon; and Ginckle, encouraged by the information of Shaw, at
length resolved to besiege it.
This resolution was, however, considered by some as too premature: the
summer was now advanced, and Limerick, the principal strength and dependance
of the nation, was yet to be reduced. The capture of Galway, it was considered,
would immediately follow that of Limerick, or, should it even hold out
that it would be more easily taken by a winter siege than that important
place, which, the year before, had defeated the English army, commanded
by the king in person. It was, therefore, concluded that it would be more
advisable to station sufficient forces in Athenry, Loughrea, and the other
neighbouring towns and positions, to keep the garrison of Galway in awe,
and, with the main body of the army, while it was fresh and flushed with
victory, immediately to lay siege to Limerick. The general, however, more
prudently reflected on the danger of leaving so considerable a place as
Galway behind him, which, although the garrison was then weak, might be
reinforced by Balldearg O'Donnell, or by French troops which were daily
expected in the bay, and thereby become too powerful for his army, which
had already been considerably reduced. For these reasons, he resolved
to lose no time in commencing the siege, and made every necessary preparation
for the purpose. He immediately informed the lords justices of his determination;
and they dispatched an express to captain Cole, commander of a squadron
then cruising about the mouth of the Shannon, to sail with all expedition
to Galway; and empowered him to offer conditions, in case the town should
make proposals; but he did not arrive until after its surrender, and was
then ordered to return to his former station.
While these preparations were making for the siege, the town was equally
active in preparing for defence. The French began to repair the fortified
works on the hill; the town's-people were employed on the fort, near the
south-east corner of the wall; several strong works were thrown up to
defend the east gate, and all the cabins and hedges round the suburbs
were levelled. Within the walls eight guns were planted on the upper citadel;
near it was a platform of six, and eight or ten more were raised at the
south-east corner. Upon the turret, which stood towards the middle of
the long curtain that extended next the bay, there were two, and on the
side next the river five more, which, with those planted towards the west
and north, made about fifty pieces of cannon. Many of these, however,
were old and ill-mounted; some of the best guns belonging to the town
having shortly before been taken away for other urgent services, and several
fine brass pieces lay dismounted and useless in the streets. Although
there was a considerable store of provisions, a great quantity of meal,
salt, and other additional supplies, was brought from the shipping in
the bay. Before the movement of the army towards the town commenced, a
party of horse, commanded by the famous colonel Lutterel, attempting to
approach and assist the town, was met by a body of cavalry posted at Kilcolgan,
and forced to retire. The Irish commanders also attempted to throw in
reinforcements across the bay from the county of Clare; and upon the appearance
of captain Morgan, with a party under his command, they were prevented,
after a skirmish in which three or four men were killed and eight taken
prisoners. These disappointments however, did not dishearten the town
but rather stimulated all its exertions, and every preparation was made
to defend it to the last extremity.
On the morning of the 19th July, the English forces, consisting of upwards
of fourteen thousand men, chiefly infantry, marched from Athenry for Galway.
The remainder of the army, consisting of three thousand horse and dragoons,
was left there under the command of lieutenant-general Scravenmore and
major-general Ruvigny, as well for the convenience of forage, and securing
the passes for the cannon intended to be sent for to Athlone, (should
the siege prove tedious,) as for observing the motion of the Irish forces.
The troops advanced in two columns, with a rearguard of one hundred men
to each wing, commanded by a lieutenant-colonel, and each regiment preceded
by a captain, ensign, and fifty firelocks. They met with no opposition
in their approach, until they arrived within view of the town, when some
skirmishes took place between the advanced posts and parties of the French
and Irish forces. The latter set fire to the castle Tirellan, to prevent
the enemy making any use of it against the town, and retained the possession
of the outworks of the castle, until they were driven from them by the
repeated attacks of a superior force; after which they approached the
town by the river, and burned all the suburbs beyond the north-west gate.
In these recontres several of the English were killed. The Irish troops
then entered the town amid loud acclamations, and the besieged manifested
every intention of making the most vigorous resistance. Ginckle not expecting
such immediate and determined opposition, as soon as a part of the army
was drawn up as near the town as he could approach with safety, judged
it prudent to summon the garrison to surrender. He offered them the benefit
of the lords justices' late declaration, if they yielded without giving
him any further trouble or delay; but the governor made answer, "that
Monsieur D'Ussone, as well as himself, and the rest of the officers, were
resolved to defend the place to the last." While the messenger remained
in town, the soldiery impatient for action, discharged several shots from
the cannon on the walls, which was afterwards complained of as unusual,
and contrary to the rules of war, but it appeared the men were not aware
of the communication. The remainder of the day was occupied in fixing
the positions of the army round the town, during which the cannonading
continued from the walls, though it was attended but with very little
effect, in consequence of the favourable situation of the ground chosen
by the besiegers. As soon as it was dark, the four regiments of colonel
Tiffins, St. John, Monsieur Cambons and lord George Hamilton, with one
Dutch and another Danish regiment of foot, and four squadrons of horse
and dragoons, all commanded by lieutenant-general Mackay, crossed the
river nearly opposite the castle of Menlo, about two miles north of the
town. They were all safely over by break of day, and met with no opposition
except from a party of dragoons sent to oppose their landing, which, being
overpowered by superior numbers, was obliged, after a severe skirmish,
to retreat. This formidable detachment (which was wafted over on floats
previously constructed, but without success, to seize the only three ships
that remained in the bay, and which sailed that night) occupied all the
passes from Iar-Connaught, and put an end to any further hopes of succour
from Balldearg O'Donnell. This disappointment was followed by another,
resulting from the treachery of one Bourke, a captain in the Irish army,
who deserted, before the English were many hours before the town, and
informed general Ginckle that the fort towards the south-east was nearly
finished; and, therefore, the sooner it was attacked, the easier it would
be gained: he also added, that, from its importance, as it commanded a
great part of the wall on that side of the town, its loss would considerably
dispirit the besieged.
It surrenders on articles.
The next morning, July 20th, count Nassau and general Talmash, with a
party of grenadiers and two regiments of foot, were conducted, by Bourke,
the safest and nearest direction to attack the fort, and the troops arrived
almost at the foot of the works before they were discovered. This unexpected
attack, having caused considerable confusion within, the English pushed
forward through some faint firings, and threw in their grenadoes, which
obliged the soldiers to abandon the fort, and retire by a line of communication
drawn between it and the town. - In this action the English had only a
lieutenant and men killed, and but two lieutenants and eight men wounded.
As soon as they entered the fort, a tremendous fire was opened on them
from the walls, by which several were killed and wounded, particularly
their principal engineer, who fell as he was giving orders to his men.
In the meantime the west suburbs were set on fire, to prevent their being
possessed by the troops that crossed the river, and the besieged still
shewed in every quarter the most determined resolution of resistance.
But at that moment the principal inhabitants, who were inclined to surrender,
waited on the governor, and, representing the impossibility of maintaining
the town against such an army, make use of every argument to persuade
him to enter into a treaty. Their councils at length prevailed, and at
the hour of ten o'clock he ordered a parley to be beat, and despatched
a letter to the English commander, requiring safe conduct for some persons
to manage a capitulation. This welcome message was gladly received by
the general; a satisfactory answer was immediately returned, and a cessation
accordingly proclaimed on both sides. The town's-people and soldiers crowded
in great numbers to the walls, and the English troops having approached
near enough to hold conversation, several inquiries passed for friends
and acquaintance in each other's army. In the afternoon hostages were
exchanged: those on the side of the English were lieutenant-colonel Purcell,
Coote, and the marquis de Rheda and those of the town, lieutenant-colonels
Lynch, Burke and Reilly. The articles not being agreed to on that day
the cessation was continued until ten o'clock the following morning. In
the mean time, several debates took place in the town on the terms to
be obtained and given; but the hour limited having arrived before they
were able to agree, Ginckle became impatient, and having ordered eight
guns and four mortars to be drawn to the fort, which was taken the day
before, he sent a drummer to the town to order away his hostages; and,
although the besieged demanded and obtained more time to agree among themselves,
his impatience was so great, that he sent once or twice to press them
to a speedy conclusion. At length lieutenant-colonel Burke, one of the
hostages, was permitted to go into town; and Talmash, who evinced every
inclination to lay the treaty aside, and even made some cold-blooded declarations
that it would be preferable to attempt the town by storm, desired that,
"when they were ready to begin again, they would give a signal by
firing a gun in the air"; but the other replied, "they would
not fire a gun from within until they were provoked from without."
In a short time after, on the 21st July, the articles were agreed to,
signed and exchanged by general Ginckle, on the part of the English, and
by the lords Clanricarde, Dillon and Enniskillen, on the part of the besieged.
Of these articles, being sixteen in number, the principal were, that the
town was to be surrendered on the following Sunday, the 26th of July.
The French officers and soldiers, and such of the garrison as wished it,
to be conducted to Limerick. A free pardon to be granted to all within
the town, with liberty to possess their estates, real and personal, and
all other liberties and immunities which they held, or ought to have held,
under the acts of settlement and explanation. The clergy and laity were
to be unmolested in the private exercise of their religion, and the clergy
protected in their persons and goods. The gentlemen of estates belonging
to the town and garrisons to carry certain arms, and the Roman Catholic
lawyers of the town were to have free liberty of practice, as in the reign
of Charles II.
Immediately after the articles were signed, the governor gave the earl
of Clanricarde, lord Enniskillen, colonel Dominick Browne, lieutenant-colonel
Bodkin and major Dillon, as hostages for the due performance of the terms
to be observed, until the town should be delivered up. William Robinson,
deputy paymaster of the army, was thereupon sent in to take an account
of the stores, which were found to consist of eight hundred and fifty
hogsheads of French meal, sixty barrels of salt, a considerable quantity
of ammunition, and other articles of value. In the afternoon of the same
day the English troops took possession of the outworks, and the governor
dismounted the cannon on the walls. A friendly intercourse subsisted between
both armies and their commanders until the time for surrendering arrived;
and about seven o'clock on the morning of the 26th, general D'Ussone went
out to the English camp, where he stayed about half an hour, and then
proceeded with a guard to Limerick. Sir Henry Bellasyse being appointed
governor of the town, marched in with his own, colonel Brewer's and colonel
Herbert's regiments, and about nine o'clock took possession of the guards,
and planted his sentinels on all the posts in and about the town. While
the town forces were preparing to march out, a quantity of gunpowder,
which a party of them was dividing in the street, suddenly exploded, by
which several of the men had their eyes blown out, and upwards of twenty
were dreadfully wounded and disfigured. This accident at first caused
some confusion, the soldiers on each side immediately suspecting that
they mutually intended to fall on one another; but, as soon as the cause
was ascertained, these apprehensions ceased. About ten o'clock lord Dillon
marched out with the garrison, not being above two thousand five hundred
men, (who are described as indifferently armed, and worse clothed,) having
according to the articles, six pieces of cannon, (four of which were of
iron,) drawn by English horses. They were also conducted to Limerick by
a guard of horse and dragoons, and the same day, at noon, general Ginckle
entered the town, and was received by the mayor, aldermen and recorder;
the latter having delivered a congratulatory speech on the occasion.
When the news of the capitulation of Galway arrived in England, it gave
infinite satisfaction to the queen and ministry, and the articles were
soon after ratified by their majesties. The event was perpetuated by a
medal, on which is represented a bust of the king crowned with laurel,
and inscribed with his usual titles. On the top of the reverse are the
arms of Galway fixed against two palm branches, placed on saltire between
a cap and a bible, the emblem of liberty and religion. The bottom is ornamented
with two laurel branches twined together, and the area of the field filled
with the following inscription:-" Galloway rebellium et Gallorum
penultimum refugium, post plurimas strages Gulielmo III. magno restitutori
religionis et libertatis, cim armamentariis simul ac navibus redditur.
"-Galway, the last refuge but one of the rebels and the French, is,
after much slaughter, surrendered, with all its magazines and ships, to
the great William III. the restorer of religion and liberty."
The Battle of Aughrim - 1691
The site of this battle was Kilcommadan or Aughrim Hill - which stretches
south-eastward from the ruined castle and village of Aughrim and which
forms the western skyline.
Seen in retrospect, the battle of the Boyne must be regarded as decisive,
but it was not the end of the war. The defeated Jacobites were still a
fighting force and were still to fight stubbornly before King William
could claim victory in Ireland.
The Williamite army moved forward from Athlone on 11th July 1691. The
next day there was skirmishing as it came into contact with the Jacobite
Froude's account of the battle
Sunday, the I2th July, dawned thick and hazy; a damp fog lay spread
over the marshes, which did not lift until in the afternoon. At half-past
four, with five hours of daylight remaining, the mist blew off and the
English advanced. English properly they were not. English regiments were
intermixed with Danes, French Huguenots, Scots, Dutch, Brandenburghers,
and Anglo-Irish Protestants, the fitter to try an issue which, however
distinguished, was an episode in the long European struggle for liberty
of conscience.
The battle was long doubtful. The ground was trenched in all directions,
and the ditches were lined with Irish sharpshooters, who stood their ground
bravely, and again and again Ginkel's columns, rushing forward to close
with them, were driven back in confusion. Once St. Ruth believed the day
was his own, he was heard to swear that he would hunt the Saxon into Dublin.
Almost immediately after he was killed by a cannon-ball. The Hugnenot
cavalry, led by Henri de Ruvigny, made a charge, behind which the English
infantry rallied. At last, late in the evening, the Irish gave way, broke
up, and scattered. Few or no prisoners were taken, and few were reported
wounded. Those who escaped, escaped, those who were overtaken were made
an end of. Seven thousand men were killed before darkness and rain ended
the pursuit. The wreck of the defeated army divided; part went to Galway,
part to Limerick, where the last act of the drama was to be played out.