A song I am going to sing to you,
If you but listen unto me -
There is nothing curious in it, boys,
And that you will plainly see,
It is all about Six Verses
Of our Orange A, B, C.
Then it is judge for yourselves, boys,
And listen unto me -
We will turn the leaf once more, my boys,
And sing our Orange A, B, C.
A stands for Aughrim, where blood flows
on the plains, and
B is for Boyne Water, there bones do still remain;
C stands for Culmore, where crossing it did fall, and
D I am sure you all know well's our maiden Derry Walls.
E is for Enniskillen, where nobly they
did join, and
F is for these fathers who conquered at the Boyne;
G is for that great General that fought at our right hand,
H is for Hanover, from that land King William came.
I is for the Israelites that crossed
over Jordan's streams, and
J stands for Joshua, our guide still remains;
K for Knox, Scotch Reformer, who for the truth did stand,
L stands for Luther, his doctrines we'll commend.
M stands for Moses, as he viewed the
N stands for Noah, who built the ark at God's command;
O stands for Orange, a colour you all have worn, and
P is for Purple, with which the ark was borne.
Q is for the Question you are asked
at the door;
R is for the Road, my boys, some of you have trod before;
S is for the Secret you're sure there to find, and
T is for the Travels you will always bear in mind.
U stands for Unity, in which we all
should join
V is for the great Victory we gained at the Boyne;
W stands for William, our famous commodore; and
X is my Last Letter, and you can ask for nothing more.
