You Protestants of Ireland,
Give ear to these lines I write down,
Concerning these Aughalee heroes
That marched through sweet Portadown.
It being on the 12th day of July,
Our music so sweetly did play,
And The Protestant Boys and Boyne Water
Were the tunes we played going away.
Like the sons of King William we marched,
Till at length Lurgan town we did view,
Where the Church it was decorated
With Orange, Purple, and Blue.
Round its spires our colours were flying;
Small gun's like cannons did roar -
Long life to these Aughalee heroes!
For they are the boys we adore.
Captain Black, like a bold Orange hero,
Came riding down on his grey steed,
And he asked us what number we carried,
And where did we mean to proceed.
We told him from the County of Antrim
Our number was six-thirty-two;
We are the bold Aughalee heroes,
That will soon make the rebels subdue.
We took off our hats to salute him,
So boldy he bade us march on;
And he rode like a hero before us,
Till we came to the banks of the Bann.
And when we arrived safe in Aughalee,
The brandy did flow like the Rhine -
Long life to these Aughalee heroes,
For they are the boys crossed the Boyne.
