The Burning Torch for Protestantism.

Orange Pages Photo Gallery

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lodges12th july 2006 387.jpg
Star Of Halewood L.O.L 66141 views33333
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lodges12th july 2006 255.jpg
Star Of Halewood Lodge139 views33333
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Bootle Provincial Grand Lodge - Pride Of The North Flute Band from Bootle - Southport A.M.181 views33333
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Pride Of Norris Green Band - Liverpool A.M.849 views33333
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Liverpool Grenadiers Flute Band - Liverpool A.M.302 views33333
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Derry Walls Band245 views33333
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Imperial Flute Band - Liverpool A.M.230 views22222
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Rising Sons of Basrah L.O.L 13679 viewsSoldiers keep it real with Basra Twelfth
By Diana Rusk
BRITISH soldiers in Iraq have held a tongue-in-cheek Twelfth of July demonstration complete with nationalist protesters and riot police.

Members of the Irish Guards held the parade at their base in Basra after an Orange lodge sent them sashes and orange lilies.

The images posted on internet forum Bebo show orange men from 'Basrah LOL 1 accompanied by a flute band called The Rising Sons of Basrah 2007.

They march past mock RUC officers dressed in full riot gear and a group of mock nationalist protesters holding Irish flags in opposition to the parade.

Their placards read "Reroute the marches. Keep it in your own area."

In the background, the army base at Basra where the Irish Guards have been based since May, is visible. The soldiers are currently on a seven-month tour of Iraq.

One soldier, 23-year-old Dane McKenzie, from Ballymena, who posted the images on his Bebo site, said the group decided to create their own Twelfth demonstration after sashes and orange lilies were sent from Northern Ireland.

It was only when they began parading that they realised other members of the regiment had created mock RUC officers and dressed up as nationalist protesters, he said.
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Rising Sons of Basrah L.O.L 11032 views22222
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Star Of Toxteth Band296 views22222
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Lodge Members314 views22222
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