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day before the July fair
The Ribbonmen they did prepare
For three miles round to wreck and tear
And burn the town of Garvagh
Tory whistle loud and shrill
We heard it o'er the high Mourne Hill
Fall on, brave oys, well slay and kill
The Protestants in Garvagh
day cam on they did repair in multitudes to Garvagh Fair
Some traveled thirty miles and more
To burn the town of Garvagh
They all appeared in greatest haste
handkerchiefs tied round their wasts
But their jackets we did soundly baste
That July fair in Garvagh
To Coleraine straightaway we went
aid but none for us they sent
This bloody crew all to prevent
From their design on Garvagh
Provines then we quick applied
For aid which he soon us denied
Saying Longest stands the toughest hide
I'll find no aid for Garvagh
Protestants and Orangemen
Like brothers did assemble then
To keep the town was their design
Or die like men in Garvagh
fired blank shots of no avail
The Orange balls they flew like hail
While Ribbonmen soon turned their tail
With deadly wounds from Garvagh
Captain Douay cried, Brave Boys
Maintain your Cause and fear no noise
We'll massacre these Orange Boys
And burn the town of Garvagh
had not turned himself well round
Till he received a deadly wound
His heels went up his head went down
At the third tree in Garvagh
gave the word to clear the street
While numbers flew like hunted sheep
When Protestants did Papists meet
At Davidsons in Garvagh
then brave boys if you had seen
Twas the best man through Ballinameen
While Orange Boys pursued them keen
And cleared the town of Garvah
mark what followed this affray
They thought to swear our lives away
To jail we went without delay
We had no guards from Garvagh
horrid oaths against us swore
Such swearing you ne'er heard before
McCluskey swore three hours of more
Against the Boys of Garvagh
Judge then he would us condemn
Had it not been for our jurymen
Our grateful thanks are due to them
For they cleared the Boys of Garvagh
thanks and praise we'll tender still
To Mr. Price and brave George Hill
The Beresfords befriend us still
For they cleared the Boys of Garvagh.
