Come all ye true and loyal hearts,
Who love the Orange and the Blue,
And level an ear to these few words
I now address to you.
'Tis of a crewl papist act,
But that is nothing new,
The murder of the innocent,
The Gallant and the True.
I'll tell you how at Montreal
The Orange was put down,
How true and loyal citizens
Of that historic town
Were not to show the colours,
On the twelfth day of July,
And the glorious Orange Banner
They were not allowed to fly.
These grevious instructions
Were issued by the Mayor,
And so the gallant Hackett
Was mobbed and murdered there.
In defence of injured innnocence
A lady, so they tell,
Tho' they were more than ten to one
He bravely fighting fell.
But this year will quickly pass,
And another Twelfth will come,
When with Orange banner's flying,
Brass bands and fife and drum
All heart and hand together
Down to Montreal we'll go
We'll show these Popish minions
That we're no beaten foe.
