Ye true loyal Protestants,
sons of Great Britain,
And likewise of Erin, on you I now call,
Pray give your attention to that which is written,
In records of truth, about Babylon's fall.
In scripture we read it, how heav'n decreed it,
That proud Papal Rome would be soon over-thrown;
And antichrist's legion in Tophet's hot region
By suff'ring and torture their fate would bemoan.
By loyal allegiance, and loving obedience,
Still show yourselves valiant, and cordially join
Your foes to subdue, by the Orange and Blue,
Rememb'ring your fathers who fought at the Boyne
The day is now come when the minions
of Rome
Are slaying each other, like Midian of old;
Whilst Gaul, like proud Ammon, is now serving Mammon,
And Austria are slaughter'd like Seir, we are told.
But heav'n's red vengeance, like torturing engines,
Is working to slay them by special command;
And Infidel nations of Popish creations,
With famine and sword will be swept from the land.
While Britain, still neutral, maintains
her opinions,
And joins not the ranks of despotic power,
Kind heav'n will smile on her friendly dominions,
Nor will the destroyer her armies devour.
God has it in store for old England once more,
That she'll be the nurse of the free and the brave;
It is so allotted, she'll ne'er be permitted
To rivet the chains of the captive and slave.
'Tis true that her statesmen may still
have their foibles,
And, blinded with prejudice, may go astray;
But Britain's the land that distributes the Bibles,
And tolerates clergy to point out the way.
But would she, forsooth, take the grant from Maynooth,
That grant which endangers a curse on her sons,
That God would caress her, and trebly would bless her,
And fight all her battles without swords and guns.
So fill up your bumpers, and toast
the glad hour,
When Papal dominion will soon be pulled down;
When vile usurpation, and antichrist's power,
Will soon have to yield to the Bible and Crown.
Long, long may Victoria, our Queen, reign amongst us,
And long may she govern the state of her throne;
While heaven defends her no nation can wrong us,
Nor will we her cause and the Bible disown.
