Today we meet a civic band
In proud congratulation
To celebrate the gallant stand
Which saved our faith and nation
No recreant fear shall hush the cheer
Which waks us to remember
The closing gate and boyish feat
Of glorious old December.
Then raise the cheer to freemen dear
And toast each brave defender
For nought imparts to Derry hearts
A thrill like No surrender.
Brave hearts they stuck the rallying
For each loved home and altar
Nor traitor friend nor bigot foe
Their plighted faith could falter
Old Walker's zeal and Murray's steel
Came in their need to cheer them
And sallies great from open gate
Soon taught their foe to fear them.
Gainst Mighty odds they held their
Through plague and grim starvation
Combined to cause their city's fall
And crush the hapless nation
True to their trust no craven durst
E'en breathe the word SURRENDER
For gathering ill but nerved the will
Of each resolved Defender!
Till townward on Foyle's rising tide
Brave Browning's vessel bounded
A shock-a crash-a belched broadside
And victory's note has sounded
Then banded here, from year to year
We'll cherish the proud story
Come weal or woe no plotting foe
Shall rob us of our glory!
