Come, let us meet in love and glee,
Ye Orange brethren, bold and free,
And toast in bumpers, 'three times three',
The Orange Institution.
May it again triumphant stand,
The shield of this our lovely land,
In spite of that malignant band,
Who hate our Constitution.
Think on the year of 'Ninety-eight',
When thousands rose against the State,
What did their sanguine hopes defeat?
The Orange Institution.
For in defence of Britain's Crown,
Our Orange yeoman of renown,
Put the insulting rebels down,
And saved our Constitution.
Soon as the Orange system spread,
The Popish persecution fled,
And disaffection hid her head,
Check'd by our Institution
Peace was restored to this fair Isle,
Secured by freedom's cheering smile,
Thus Orangemen, from traitors vile,
Preserved our Constitution.
To counteract by valour sound,
All hostile plots that might abound,
Brave Verner did most wisely found
The Orange Institution.
Erected on a basis sure,
To keep us and our rights secure,
And guard from foes of faith impure.
The Crown and Constitution.
