When William came to England, the king
of it to be,
He brought a plant along with him of the Old Orange tree;
He planted it near London, so pleasant 'twas to see,
When a few branches there sprung up and frighten'd Popery.
So let us join both heart and hand, and lovingly agree;
For we're loyal branches of the old Orange tree.
'Twas on the walls of Derry, where
the Orangemen did parade,
To fight King James and all his men, they never were afraid;
And with sons of Popery they never more will join -
We beat them back from Drogheda - from Drogheda - and the Boyne.
When William went to Ireland, the Protestants
to join,
He took the plant along with him, and placed it in the Boyne;
And with his troops, courageously, he fought them one to three -
King James and his men were sore afraid when they saw the Orange tree.
The seed of this old Orange tree got
scatter'd up and down,
Till a few branches there sprung up, enough to rule a town;
It grew in summer season - Oh! pleasant 'twas to see -
The winter season it came on and cropp'd our Orange tree.
The winter season it is o'er, the weathers
fine and clear -
Our Orange tree will flourish in the spring time of the year,
Our Orange tree will flourish, for the root is yet alive,
For where there is one branch dropp'd off, we have engrafted five.
Now to conclude and make an end, and
finish up my song -
Here's health and peace, long life and rest to all true Orangemen;
And let us live in unity, and evermore agree,
And on the Twelfth day of July see fruit upon our tree.
