While statesmen now to treason bow,
and loyalty betray,
And traitor knaves with bigot slaves would take our rights away;
To serve their Queen and Country a gallant band appears,
Come let us hail, while cowards quail, "The Orange Volunteers."
Sedition's lamp is burning throughout
green Erin's Isle,
And men, all honour spurning, now speak but to beguile;
And to repeal the Union a motley crowd appears,
But hark! they come with fife and drum, "The Orange Volunteers."
Let placemen frown to put them down,
and peaceful homes invade,
Oh! never yet by idle threat were Ulstermen dismayed.
They take their stand for native land, and know no paltry fears,
These gallant men from hill and glen, "The Orange Volunteers."
"True in these days, when many
change, for profit or for dread;
True to the same old sacred cause for which our fathers bled,"
They'll guard the rights brave William won in fam'd and bygone years,
Then let us toast, our pride and boast, "The Orange Volunteers."
