Three boys came to Belfast their country
to serve,
They suffered a fate that no man should deserve.
For they were off duty and out for the day,
Yet all three fell victims of the IRA.
Their sleeping in heavenly peace.
Sleeping in heavenly peace.
Their young lives were over, their
duty was done.
Only God knew when that day had begun,
That three Scottish soldiers would each lose their lives,
For being in Belfast to fight on our side
Their sleeping in heavenly peace.
Sleeping in heavenly peace.
Now three lay together in that dark
country road,
Still friends in death, they stood by the cause.
For serving our country with honour and pride,
Lets be grateful Belfast they stood by our side.
Their sleeping in heavenly peace.
Sleeping in heavenly peace.
To the people in Scotland, my God what
a blow.
They can?t understand who could sink so low ,
They think here in Belfast there was nothing but scorn
For the Queen?s Colours these three boys had worn.
If only they knew how we cried
When we learned how these boys had died.
We must stand firm in Ulster, we must
make it plain,
That these Scottish soldiers had not died in vain.
We must show the whole country that Ulster is true,
And the good people here love the red white and blue.
Lets never forget what it cost.
To make sure our Ulster's not lost.
