It was when England's glorious sun
in sixteen eighty-eight,
Was overcast with treason's cloud, and Popery stood elate,
That up arose her Protestants, the peasant and the peer,
And vowed the chain of perjured James that they would not deign to wear,
They sought them out a prudent chief to guide their ardent zeal,
To lead them on that victory might bless their flashing steel,
And who so fit to guide that host in all its bright array,
As William, Prince of Orange, ere he landed at Torbay.
Then up arose the mighty chief and
left his native shore,
And rode upon the stormy waves our freedoms to restore;
Upon his flag was blazon'd forth high fluttering o'er the main,
That our Religion and our Laws he ever would maintain;
'Twas then in gallant style he stood upon the vessel's prow,
With victory on his flashing sword and wisdom on his brow,
And tens of thousands greeted him on upon his day,
When our glorious Orange chief first landed at Torbay.
Come Brethren of the Orange bond, a
bond ne'er to be riven,
When e'er we give great William's name, a bumper must be given,
For it you'd fire a feu-de-joie, to him who victory won;
Come prime and load, and see you give a good charge to your gun;
The eloquence of bumpers full, there's nothing can surpass,
There's nought expresses kindred souls, like friendship's social glass,
And thus we give our song and toast with three times three, huzza,
The memory of King William and his landing at Torbay.
