Captured in mud, a captor of fear,
Based in Thiepval our young Volunteers.
Barbed wire all around them,
Rifle in hand, prayer book in pocket,
They died for this land.
First rays of morning, the first of
Out from the trenches, No Surrender the cry.
The slaughter it started, the guns they did roar.
They fell on the Somme in the Sashes that they wore.
Decorations were numerous, nine VCs
were won.
Mustered by Carson to take up the gun,
They came home from Europe and Ulster she mourned,
Thousands of young men from their families were torn.
First rays of morning, the first of
Out from the trenches, No Surrender the cry.
The slaughter it started, the guns they did roar.
They fell on the Somme in the Sashes that they wore.
Their deeds they are legend and never
will die,
For God and for Ulster their deeds testify.
Their resolve is as strong now in 2002,
This 90th Anniversary is a tribute to you.
First rays of morning, the first of
Out from the trenches, No Surrender the cry.
The slaughter it started, the guns they did roar.
They fell on the Somme in the Sashes that they wore.
