Joachim Neander, in A und O Glaub- und Liebesübung
(Straslund: 1680); translated from German to English by Catherine Winkworth,
Music: Lobe den Herren, Ander Theil des Erneuerten Gesangbuch, second edition (Bremen, Germany: 1665); harmony by William Sterndale Bennett, 1864 . |
Praise to the Lord,
the Almighty, the King of creation! Praise to the Lord,
Who over all things so wondrously reigneth, Praise to the Lord,
Who doth prosper thy work and defend thee; Praise to the Lord,
Who, when tempests their warfare are waging, Praise to the Lord,
Who, when darkness of sin is abounding, Praise to the Lord,
O let all that is in me adore Him! |