Wake, sons of William, wake,
For God the thrones of kings doth shake;
Truth and freedom are at stake,
And dangers lurk around.
Hark! we hear
Sounds of fear,
That startle not the brave man's ear;
They seem to say
That Papal sway
May through this isle abound.
Wake, sons of William, wake,
For God the thrones of kings doth shake;
Truth and freedom are at stake,
And dangers lurk around.
Arise, one matchless band,
And, like your fathers, bravely stand,
For God, for Home, and Fatherland,
In all your proud array!
Truth doth shine,
With power divine,
On hearts that are religion's shrine.
Faith and love
Towered God above
Take earthly cares away.
See how our rulers now
To Papal arts will bow;
And oh! shall we not vow
To shield our fathers fame?
They would bind
Heart and mind;
Soul and body bruise and grind!
And shall we
Such recreants be
As bear the wrong and shame?
When Nassau to our aid
High wielded Freedom's blade;
Rome's hosts were prostrate laid,
By the great warrior King.
And shall we,
Bold and free,
Fear our stricken enemy?
No; for they
Who'd bear Rome's sway
Shall also feel her sting.
What doubter still would pause
To maintain our Glorious cause?
Now, rise for Church and Laws,
And for our gracious Queen!
United, then,
Brave-hearted men,
You'll win Truth's victory once again;
And this your ide,
In Heaven's bright smile,
All glorious shall be seen.
